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by Jan Weeks

Grade Level: 3 Content Area: Reading
Students will become familiar with the works of Aesop by reading fables and performing a reader’s theater.

Aesop’s Fables eBook
Palm Reader
Other Required Materials
    • Book: Aesop’s Fables: Plays for Young Children
    • Venn Diagram

Lesson Goals

    • Students will discover the characteristics of a fable.
    • Students will compare and contrast two fables.
    • Students will recognize the moral of the fable read.
    • Students will perform fables in a reader’s theater.


    1. Beam the eBook Fables to each student.
    2. Pair students and have them each choose one fable to read.
    3. Each student will read the fable to his or her partner.
    4. Pass out Venn diagrams and have students work in pairs to compare the two fables.
    5. Use PiCoMap to make a traits diagram for fables.
    6. As a class, make a fable traits diagram and display in room.
    7. In conclusion, students will perform a reader’s theater for our kindergarten reading buddies. (Fables will be chosen from Aesop’s Fables: Plays for Young Children)
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