Bridget Kowal
Level: 6-8 |
Areas: Health |
test their knowledge of the 5 food groups by designing
a graphic organizer and by doing a one-day food diary
/ rating. |
Lesson Goals
- Students
will be able to identify the five food groups, number of recommended
servings for each group, and food examples for each of the five
food groups.
- Students
will gain a better understanding of their own eating habits
through self-monitoring and self-evaluation.
- Display
Food Pyramid PowerPoint slide show. (slides 1-2)
- Discuss
food groups, recommended servings, and upcoming change in the
shape of the current Food Guide Pyramid (slides 3-5)
- Beam Inspiration
and Food Pyramid to students.
- Have students
work with a partner to create a graphic organizer that will
include all 5 food groups, number of servings recommended for
each group, and food examples for each group. (slide 6)
- Upon completion,
students will share their graphic organizer with the class using
a projector.
- Show sample
one-day menu. Student will open Food Pyramid and as a class,
will enter the information based on the sample one-day menu.
(slide 7)
- Have students
open Memo Pad and list all of the foods, drinks, and snacks
they have had so far today. Their assignment is to complete
this list in Memo Pad listing any other foods, drinks, and snacks
they have for the rest of the day.
(slide 8)
- Have students
enter their information into Food Pyramid based on their list
from their Memo Pad. (slide 9) Students may continue this beyond
the one-day food diary log to get a more complete picture of
their eating habits.