- Students
will investigate how humans impact the environment.
- Students
will compile an organism database into an e-book field guide.
- Students
will name muscle groups and develop specific exercises to
strengthen these groups.
- Students
will utilize technology for data compilation, analysis and
final product.
Unit will
be comprised of four main units.
I: Students will determine their personal impact
on the environment using Ecological Footprint Calculator.
Duration: one 45-minute class period.
II: A site analysis of the school’s Ecosystem
pond and surrounding area will be constructed using Vernier
LabPro interfaces, probes, digital cameras and the Palm software
Rulers, Fling It, Memo Pad, and Diagrams. Students divide
the task into work groups and the site will be divided into
10-12 content centers. Group A will be using probes and software
to measure water quality of the pond. They will be using
probes to measure pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen. Group
B will be concerned with plant identification and will utilize
field guides downloaded to the handheld computers with Fling
It. Group C will be concerned with animal identification
and will also utilize downloaded web pages with Fling It.
All groups will put notes into Memo Pad and have access to
digital cameras. All groups will organize their information
in Diagrams to make a rough map for nature trail stations.
Duration: three 45-minute class periods for data collection,
five 45-minute class periods for compilation.
III: Students will brainstorm fitness stations for
the trail using the Palm software Muxles, Diagrams, Memo
Pad. Stations will be limited to simple exercises that strengthen
a particular muscle grouping and require little or no equipment.
Duration: five 45-minute class periods for compilation.
IV: The students will take the exercise guide and
organism inventory constructed from the site analysis to
construct a Palm e-Book field guide of the pond and surrounding
area which will be used on a student constructed nature /
fitness trail. Students will organize information with Thought
Manager, writing details of each station in Memo Pad. Students
can collaborate information with handheld beaming capabilities.
The information can ultimately be edited and compiled into
the e-Book using Palm e-Book Studio to give an e-Book resource
for trail use. Duration: two 45-minute class periods.