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Cross-Curricular Palm Software

These applications can be used across the curriculum for various subject areas for multiple lessons.

Draw up to 10 frame-by-frame color animations. Students can animate math problems, social studies concepts, reading vocabulary, spelling words, scientific processes, etc. Animator is free, but I prefer GoKnow's Sketchy animation software.
Students can beam text or pictures quickly to each other. One way I use this application is for "Crosstalk." I pick a category, like prepositions, and pairs of students take turns naming something in that category. They cannot repeat anything that has already been used. The last student to write a valid item is the winner. When finished, the students compare their Beamer list with all possible answers.
ByHeart is a memorization tool that uses documents in MemoPad.
Match items to their pairs before they hit the ground. Get addition Pair Boards and design and create your own with Pair Board Maker for Windows. There's boards for mutilplication, geography, geology, and more!
Due Yesterday
Due Yesterday is a classwork, class information, and grade tracking application for students. It has many features, perfect for middle school through graduate school.
(formerly known as Palm Reader) Free eBook reader. Visit Learning In Hand's eBooks section for more information about eBooks.
FlingIt allows users to instantaneously "fling" Web pages from a desktop computer to a handheld.
Word processor with spell checker. It saves FreeWrite documents to a desktop computer as an HTML document.
Idea Pad
Easily create diagrams, flow charts, and concept maps. View maps in an outline view. Even export outlines to Memo Pad. Very useful for prewriting activities!
Students record what they know, wonder, and learned about a topic. Part of GoKnow's Handheld Learning Environment.
IR Notes
Send color drawings with text to another handheld by beaming. Unfortunately, the notes cannot be saved.
Students can take notes with text and drawings. These notes can be given a date and time and can be beamed to others. This is great for vocabulary study by having a definition and illustration. Also great for recording data for science experiments.
Noah Pro Dictionary
Free dictionary with 122,000 words. Careful: includes some offsensive words.
Novii Animator
Create awesome animations with this drawing and cartoon application. Check out Novii's gallery of sample animations.
Participatory Simulations
Really great game activites where students beam information from one another. Some of the simulations include Big Fish - Little Fish, Live Long and Prosper, and Tit for Tat.

PiCoMap is a concept mapping application. It can save mind maps in HTML documents on a desktop computer. Part of GoKnow's Handheld Learning Environment.

This application lets students take multiple choice quizzes or can be used as flashcards. Quizzes can be downloaded but teachers can simply make their very own to use. I like to have students create their own quizzes and beam them to others. Here's a 3-page handout I developed using the documentation included with Quizzler. Here's another handout. Here's a link to free quizzes.
This is my favorite application! It can be used in every curriculum area! Sketchy allows students to create animations frame-by-frame. I've had students animate math algorithms, vocabulary words, science diagrams, and social studies concepts. I've like to say that if Sketchy was the only application on a Palm, it's still worth the money for it's awesome educational benefit! Part of GoKnow's Handheld Learning Environment.
Students can create simple text slide shows on their handhelds. Part of GoKnow's Handheld Learning Environment.
Grade Level


Tom Snyder Book

Much of the software listed on learninginhand is on the CD-ROM included with Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators. Order the book here.


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