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Math Palm Software

This is a traditional Chinese abacus. Students can move the beads and the Palm will tell them the value represented on the abacus. Also, students can input a value and the abacus will display that value. This is great for teaching place value. Try beaming this to students and have them discover how an abacus works! If you have a newer handheld with a hi-res screen, try this version.
Solve a system of equations represented by icons. Great for teaching variables and trial and error problems.
This game requires estimating the measures of angles. For each round, the user is presented with 10 angles. The difference between the actual angle measurement and the user's guess is added to the score. It's like golf where you want a low score.
Monitor battery status. Every time you switch on or off your device, the program will log the current battery status in a database and graphs it. Great for reading and interpreting graphs with real-life data!
Students practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of single or multi digit numbers. What is really nice is that students can be quizzed over addition and subtraction of negative numbers. It even has a space for digital scratch paper. Shareware, but free to try.
Perform calculations on wheel metric development and bicycle speed providing front gears, rear gears, wheel circumference and RPM.
Cells is a versatile spreadsheet creator for any data entry, whether it be in the laboratory, by the stream, or at a gymnastics meet. Cells offers everyday functions such as average, minimum, maximum, and sum. Part of GoKnow's Handheld Learning Environment.
Converter supporting over 200 unit types in 23 different categories. It allows students to specify the types they use frequently and access them easily. Convert from miles to kilometers, from pounds to kilograms and many, many other different conversions with ease. For advanced students, have them try to construct the formulas used in the different conversions.
Simple program where younger children count how many object are on the screen. There is no exit button, you must enter in Graffiti "q8" to quit.
Crickometer can calculate the temperature by counting chirps from crickets.
The application does this by averaging 50 samples together and then tries to calculate how many chirps that is pr. minute. The temperature in Fahrenheit is then calculated as Chirps/Minute / 4 + 37.
Digits of Pi
Digits of Pi is a simple application that displays the first 100 decimal digits of Pi. It was programmed by an 8th grade student!
Practice the divisibility tests for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
Finds the factors and square root of a number. Great for finding common denominators
Another program to find all of the factors of a number. You also need to install "Pocket C" for Factors! to work.
Students tap the Palm's screen when an object is released and when it hits the ground. FallTimer calculates the height. This is a good application for high ability students to investigate. How does it know? What formula does it use? Does weight matter? Why?
Flash Boom is a lightning distance calculator. Again, this is a good application for students to investigate. How does it work? What formula does it use? Why?

Fraction Calculator
Fraction calculator is a basic four function calculator for use with fractions. It is somewhat tricky to use. I introduce this application to students by forming teams and the team try to figure out how to work the calculator for fractions. This application requires you to install caslrt_pro.prc.

Practice finding least common multiples and greatest common factors of 2 or 3 numbers.
Magic Numbers
Students decide which operation is being performed on a number in this game. Includes negative numbers, so it's great for negative number practice.
Matches is a game in which each of the two players (computer and you) removes one after the other from one to three matches. The player who removes the last match looses the game. Have students devise a strategy to win every time.
Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. MathAce has an optional timer, records your last 10 scores, exports scores to Memos, and allows preferences to be beamed to other handhelds.
Simple math flash card application. Students select size of numbers and operations to use. I like to have the class race to see who can get a score of 100 out of 100 first.
This is one of my favorites! Students are presented with four random numbers chosen between 1 and 10. A 5th random number is also given as the "target." Using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and parentheses, students must combine the first four numbers to produce the 5th. Great mathematical problem solving!
Great application that teaches students mental math strategies. It finds areas of weaknesses and provides coaching. Free to try, $25 shareware.
Input dimensions to find volume and surface area of geometric solids. Students can explore the relationship between surface area and volume--are they related?
Practice converting fractions to mixed numbers or mixed numbers to fractions.
My Checkbook
Students use this to complete the "Million Dollar Project." Students can assign each transaction with a category.
This is a basic four function calculator except it uses Roman Numerals! Here's a lesson plan that uses Numerus.
People Counter
Very basic application that can help students count.
Guess the missing bases or exponents in equations. You score fewer points the closer your guess is to the actual number that completes each equation. - After 10 rounds, you are given a final score. Lower scores are better.
Spirograph/Lissajous polar plotting program most appropriate for high school trigonometry students. It's fun to see how manipulating the numbers changes the graph.
Solve randomly generated verbal logic problems like, "Who plays the cello?" Providing a chart where students can record information, Rebus models an effective way to solve logic problems.
Response Timer
The Response Timer is a tool that enables you to measure your response time.  Your time is gauged by how quickly you can tap the red light when it is displayed. Student could track and calculate statistical landmarks for their left and right hands.
Sheets To Go
As part of Documents To Go, Sheets To Go is already loaded on many handheld models. Students can create, modify, beam, and synch spreadsheets that are compatible with Microsoft Excel. Great for students tracking their own grades, keeping, scientific obervations, using math formulas, etc. Many great uses for Excel spreadsheets can be found here.
Practice for reducing fractions into simpliest form. The size of denominator can be selected from the drop down menu.
Mathematical tile game to practice adding numbers. Get instructions here or listen to Soft Reset #9.
Simple multiplication table up to 10. Just nice to have for reference.
Using only seven simple shapes, see if you can recreate the silhouettes of animals, people, and things. Great problem solving activity! Good for students to work on when done with their work. Requires two files to be installed on the Palm.
Temperature Converter
Students enter a temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin and the temperature is converted to the other two scales.
Students can easier create tessellations. This gives students a great visual of how shapes are changed so they can fit into a repeating pattern without gaps or overlaps.
The objective of the game is to complete a column, row, or diagonal so that three numbers add to 15. Play can be against the computer or against another person (on one handheld). Players take turns revealing a random number 1-9 and then placing that number on the grid.
Timer MathFacts
This is a math facts quizzer of numbers up to 12. Set a timer and view how many addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problems a student tried and number correct after the time runs out.
Allows the user to convert from one unit system to another for most common measurements like Temperature, Speed, Distance, Area, Mass etc. This is similar to the Converter application above.
X-Num is a crossnumber game where the rows, columns, and diagonals must equal certain numbers.
Grade Level


Tom Snyder Book

Much of the software listed on learninginhand is on the CD-ROM included with Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators. Order the book here.



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