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Soft Reset
Soft Reset is the podcast for those using handhelds in education. Hosted by Tony Vincent and Mike Curtis, you'll learn helpful tips, hear about useful resources, and listen to insightful discussion about topics handheld-using educators care about. Listen to the MP3 on your computer in the your browser, in iTunes, on your handheld, or on your iPod. Read about listening and subscribing to podcasts.

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Podcasting TeachersExtra: Pod People
Recorded June 2006

12 Minutes - 5.5 MB
Click to listen in your browser.

Educators from Valparaiso Community Schools in Valparaiso, Indiana learned about podcasting from Tony in a six hour workshop. They learned about finding, subscribing, and listening to podcasts. Then they worked in groups to create segments for this program, which feature some great educational podcasts and podcasting ideas. Audacity for Windows was used to record and mix the segments. Music is from ACIDplanet.

Show Notes:

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