iPod Web Feeds
Web feeds, often called RSS or news feeds, to put up-to-date information in your iPod's Notes section. Keep up with things like news, websites, and blogs. Many websites have RSS feeds, indicated by an RSS, XML, or syndication icon. You can determine a website or blog feed URL by clicking the RSS, XML, or syndication icon. For example, the feed URL for Tony's blog is http://feeds.feedburner.com/learninginhand. You can enter feed URLs into software like iFeedPod (free for Macintosh) and iPodSync ($17 for Windows). Once entered into the software, each time you sync your iPod, the news feeds will be updated on the device.
iFeedPod is free for Macintosh users.
iPodSync is $17 for Windows users.
You can read the feed in the iPod's Notes section.