5th Annual Michigan Handheld Computers in Education Conference

I want to pass along some information about a wonderful conference opportunity:
The 5th Annual Michigan Handheld Computers in Education Conference will be Friday, November 4, 2005 at the Ottawa Area ISD in Holland, MI. Holland is in west Michigan, about 2 1⁄2 hours from Chicago. Educators from across the country will come together to share how handhelds, both Palm and Pocket PC, are being used to improve teaching and learning. Tony Vincent, author and nationally known handheld integration expert, will give the opening keynote followed by over 30 different breakout sessions. Before the conference, on Thursday, November 3, 2005, attendees can choose from four different hands-on preconference workshops and enjoy a luncheon keynote by handheld evangelist, Elliot Soloway. Cost: $50 each day, lunch included. The Conference is sponsored by MACUL, GoKnow, and Inspiration Software. For conference or preconference information or to register visit: www.remc7.k12.mi.us/remc/handhelds.html. Registration questions, contact Donna Golden: dgolden@oaisd.org 877-702-8600 x4071.Do visit the website and check out the breakout sessions--there's a lot to choose from! Whether you're new to handhelds or have been using them for some time, I know you'll pick up lots of great information and tips. In fact, my opening keynote will be completely new (so new, that I'll be working on it over the next couple of weeks). Whether you're in Michigan or not, you're welcome to register for the conference!
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