Albert Einstein

Even Einstein agrees: handheld computing in education is awesome!
Actually, I wrote the text for this image at's Dynamic Einstein Picture. You can change the text on the image to whatever you like. Hetemeel has a few other dynamic images like Uncle Sam and a dictionary entry.
P.S. Don't send students to these pages because users have saved images with inappropriate language.
Reader Comments (5)
Ok Tony....LOVE it,mean it!
Tony, I'm having trouble accessing the Einstein website. I'm getting a message saying I'm not authorized. Any suggestions?
I'm having the same problem. I think their servers have become overloaded with traffic. Perhaps if you wait a few days, the site will be back online.
"You are not authorized to view this page
The Web server you are attempting to reach has a list of IP addresses that are not allowed to access the Web site, and the IP address of your browsing computer is on this list."
"I'm having the same problem. I think their servers have become overloaded with traffic. Perhaps if you wait a few days, the site will be back online.
posted by Tony Vincent"
Whew! Glad to hear that! I thought they finally caught on to me! :) Looks very cool. I'll be back to check it out. Just goes to show how much traffic you can generate, Tony! It's all 'relative'.
Try this site for making dynamic images:" REL="nofollow"> .