December Forum Digest

learninginhand's Discussion Forums have been up for a month. In that time, there have been 37 different topics and 127 posts!
Here's some of what's been going on in the forums:
- Elaine wonders where your funding came from for your handhelds. Marc replied that his school wrote a couple of small grants. He also pointed Elaine to some grant resources.
- Wendy used Sketchy with kindergartners and they loved it. She asked for and received some more ideas of things to do with kindergartners and Palms. That lead to a lively discussion about using handhelds with very young students.
- Dale, the most frequent poster, is super excited about using handhelds with third graders. He tells about Pair Boards he used in Dropairs, including one for telling time.
- Wendy asks about charging class sets of handheld during long breaks. Rad tells about surge protectors with 10 outlets.
- Elaine stirred up great discussion when she tells about how hard it is to get other teachers in her school to use their handhelds with students. Glenn suggests teaming an experienced class with an inexperienced class to enable some cooperative learning. Glenn also suggests perhaps starting some competitions with math games between the classes. Mark proposes starting with simple tasks on handhelds to get other teachers hooked.
- Rob asks about the difference between using a Palm Wi-Fi card versus using the Wi-Fi in a Palm TX. Believe it or not, there is a huge difference you should know about. Tony gets somewhat technical in his reply to Rob.
- Todd wants to know how to export a Sketchy animation from a Pocket PC for viewing on a website. Tony gives him an answer.
- Tony teases that a new podcast is on the way that many learninginhand visitors will be invited to participate in. Details are coming very soon!
- Some great suggestions for future software are proposed in the Software Wish List forum.
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