MathAce is Updated!
MathAce has become even better! Brian Schau has updated MathAce to version 1.3. The improvements include some minor changes to the layout of the Preferences screen. Brian also added the option to not save the score.
The biggest improvement is the ability to beam preferences. This means the teacher can set the maximum operand, operations, and timer on her handheld and beam those exact settings to student handhelds. This is really handy for me when I bring a class set of handhelds into a primary classroom. Instead of taking ten minutes to guide young students through setting the preferences, all I have to do is point my handheld at theirs and tap the "Beam Preferences" button on MathAce's main screen.
You can download MathAce v1.3 here. If you have already installed MathAce, simply replace the previous version.
Reader Comments (4)
Great concept for beaming preferences for the little ones! I just shared this at an elementary workshop and the teachers are very excited about trying it out to teach multiplication! Your Blog is so informative for educators that I always direct them to your site. Thanks for sharing the new features and your wonderful ideas!
As always... thanks for your support and resources! I also look to LearningInHand before ANY other online resources. I am enjoying the new features of MathAce and the ease of sending the preferences to a whole group. If you talk to Brian Schau (or any other developers) it would also be nice to set a minimum operand OR to select specific multipliers (i.e. only 6,7,8, and 9s). Just a suggestion...
Thanks again!
^^^Follow up to above comment...
Also, it is of great benefit any time the results or data from a program can be converted/saved to memos. This allows students to back-up/save the results through Palm Desktop or to copy/paste it into a word processor or spread sheet (i.e Docs to Go, or GoKnow's Free Write and Cells.)
Marc, you are right about how great it is to have MathAce save the results to Memos. Then they can be printed out and shared with parents or put into a portfolio right from Palm Desktop! Brian certainly did a wonderful job of including this feature!