Chat about Podcasting

ISTE's Special Interest Group for Technology Coordinators (SIGTC) holds monthly live text chat events. I'll be "speaking" about podcasting with elementary students for this month's event on Monday, January 30 at 7PM Central Time. I'll be participating in an old fashioned text chat hosted on the Tapped In website. The title of the event is "SIGTC - Radio WillowWeb: Podcasting with Elementary Students." Here's the description from the Tapped In site:
Join SIGTC for this month's technology event and learn how your students can create and produce podcasts. Our guest speaker this month is Tony Vincent-- a technology specialist at Willowdale Elementary in Nebraska. Tony is the creative teacher/specialist behind Radio WillowWeb's podcast - an online radio program/podcast created for kids by kids.Anyone can join the event for free, they just need to create a Tapped In account. You don't need special software because the chat program will load inside of your browser. Please join in the chat and bring your questions, comments, and ideas about podcasting. My nimble fingers will communicate as quickly as they can (along with the help of some copying and pasting). You can expect personal insights into the process of podcasting, links to podcasting examples and resources, typos, and spelling errors. What more could you ask for?!?
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