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Grammar Game

Leading Step's Grammar Games: Constructor is a new Palm application and you can download a free 15-day trial.

In game mode, students answer questions to earn puzzle pieces. The questions are completely customizable. Constructor is programmed with hundreds of sentences and students tap specified parts of speech in those sentences. Constructor allows you to specify a "Game Plan" that includes the types of questions and what kinds of sentences that will be used. Game Plans can be as simple as finding nouns in simple sentences to as complicated as identifying the kind of infinitive in sentences with predicate nominatives. The teacher can set a Game Plan on her handheld and beam it to student handhelds. Because it's so flexible, Constructor can be used in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. In addition, Constructor is set up to support up to eight users on one handheld. The users' answers are tracked and can be reviewed. Games can take some time to finish, as students may answer up to 80 questions to win up to 50 puzzle pieces. It's nice that there's always a help icon for students to tap for helpful grammar information.

Constructor retails for $14.95, but if you plan to purchase more than 10 licenses, you can contact the company to receive a bulk discount.

Grammar Games: Constructor Screenshots

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