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February Forum Digest

Speech BubbleFebruary was a short month, but it had its share of great postings in learninginhand's Discussion Forums. Here's a recap of some of the conversation from the last month.

  • Ian introduces himself. He teaches at a primary school in Australia. He has developed a web site about his project with iPAQs. Pocket-Ed Futures features an idea-filled blog. Ian has been doing some great stuff with Pocket Excel and Pocket Word.
  • Lynley, another Australian, asks if Australians can participate in Our City Podcast. Tony answers, "Absolutely!" And, by the way, there is no deadline for submitting to Our City Podcast.
  • Wendy is curious about United Streaming's videos on a handheld. Mike offers great advice for playing videos on handhelds.
  • Brian wants to know what word do you use for the past tense of "sync?" Dale's and Mike's responses may give you a chuckle.
  • Tony shares an amazing video with a woman who can enter text using a handheld's onscreen keyboard faster than you have ever seen before.
  • Stephen would like to know about the Palm Z22. It retails for $99, but will it do what he wants? George and Kevin offer their first-hand experiences.
  • Wendy is interested in Windows Mobile. She wants to know what devices and software you recommend. Todd lets Wendy know about the StyleTap emulator, which lets Windows Mobile run most Palm applications.
  • Tony tries to start a discussion about Soft Reset #10: Researching Handheld Computing. So far, no one has joined in (hint, hint).
  • Dale, Wendy, & Mike write about future topics for the Soft Reset podcast.
  • Tony loves the new version of Apple's GarageBand because it features a Podcast Studio mode.
  • Tony set up an RSS feed for new forum posts. Unfortunately, it has been experiencing technical problems. So, for now, it may or may not work. http://feeds.feedburner.com/forums
Each month a forum contributor is randomly selected to receive a pair of learninginhand stylus-pens. February's lucky winner is Kevin. Congratulations!

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