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Videos to Help with Podcasting

Podcasting IconMore videos about podcasting have appeared on the web and I think many educators will be interested in viewing them:

Learn Out Loud
If you are new to podcasting, check out Learn Out Loud's online video Podcasts and iTunes. The five-minute video will demonstrate accessing the iTunes podcast directory, subscribing to a podcast, and uploading a podcast to an iPod.

Room 208
Third graders in Bob Sprankle's Room 208 are very experienced podcasters. They have produced a video that shows you how they make their weekly podcast. You'll see the complete process, from the Monday planning meeting to Mr. Sprankle's Friday night editing session. You'll notice that Room 208 has very nice podcasting gear. You'll also notice that Bob incorporates great techniques for this video, including using appropriate background music, quick camera cuts, and varied camera angles.

Free CD
Remember those great videos from Apple I blogged about in March? Now Apple is offering to send you a free CD containing those videos for free. I have not yet received my CD, so I don't know if they are of higher quality than what you download online. The three videos in the series are Part I: Introduction to Podcasting, Part II: Meeting Standards with Podcasting, and Part III: An Administrator's View on Podcasting. Sign up to get the CD here.

Audacity Tutorials
Many Windows users rely on the free software Audacity to produce their recordings. Seeitdoit.tv has video tutorials for every aspect of podcasting, including audio setup, editing, sound quality, RSS, publishing, and promoting. The set of videos is $15. However, many of the complete videos can be found on Google Video for free.

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