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May Forum Digest

Speech BubbleMay has come and gone, but the posts from learninginhand's Discussion Forums are still there for your reading enjoyment. Here's your monthly digest of some of what's been going on...

  • Tony informs everyone that registration for the 4th Annual SuccessLink Handheld Conference in Missouri and for the Mid-Atlantic Handhelds Conference in Maryland has been extended.
  • Dale shares an excellent tip for using PDA Reach and PowerPoint at the same time for presentations involving a handheld.
  • Kim raves about a workshop she attended.
  • Tony notes that for the first time in years, it seems Palm is not releasing new handhelds in spring. They did, however, release the Treo 700p last month.
  • Wendy asks about your favorite podcasting forum.
  • Dale tells us about an idea he has for a podcast segment involving tongue twisters.
  • Brent continues a conversation about Mac versus Windows when it comes to podcasting.
  • Rolly contributes his experience with an iRiver MP3 recorder for podcasting.
  • Anna shares information about the new Where in the World podcast. She suggests that those who have or will participate in Our City Podcast also make short podcasts for Where in the World.
  • Remember, the learninginhand forums have their own RSS feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/forums.
Each month a forum contributor is randomly selected to receive a pair of learninginhand stylus-pens. May's winner is Anna from Texas Congratulations and thanks to everyone who contributed to the forums last month!

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