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iPods Episode #6: Notes

Learning in Hand: iPodsAnother episode of the Learning in Hand: iPods podcast has been published. Episode #6: Notes is all about viewing text on iPods.

When you think of iPods, you think of those white earbuds. While iPods are designed for audio (and some for video, too), iPods with screens can also display text. In the Extras menu, you’ll see the Notes option. That's were you can view text files that have been placed on the iPod. Learn how to copy notes to iPod along with the limitations and workarounds.

Listen to all 7 minutes of Episode #6 for how-to and a few valuable tips. Also, check out learninginhand's iPod Notes page.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hey Tony,

I've sent a lot of our teachers to your site. It's so helpful. Thanks.

Someone started a game of tag online and you're it. It's pretty cool. Check it out on my blog at:



August 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

i must tell you, you are only the second blog to which i subscribe where i KNOW the blogger (steve dembo at discovery, well with my allegiance, that had to be first)...
And you'll be proud, i have created my first blog for my government class this fall:
and i am now using bloglines for feeds AND del.ici.ous for my bookmarks-already proving invaluable to fellow staff!
so glad i got to see you in ATL at NECC...r u heading to our big one in AZ, this MARCH, MEC?
can steer you towards some good eating~
darcy ;-}
and if not, should i see about getting you an invite?

August 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdarcy

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