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Flip Video Camera

Flip Video CamerasTeachers have been flipping over the Flip video camera. I've had one for months and really enjoy it. What's so special about this camera? First, the camcorder stores video in its internal memory. That means there are no tapes to rewind, record over, or lose. Secondly, the camera couldn't be easier to use. It only has a few button because it only has a few features. In fact, the Flip video camera seems like a Fisher-Price product because it is so simple. Another awesome thing for classrooms is that the camera requires no cables or cords. You don't need to worry about a power adapter because it uses 2 AA batteries (I recommend getting 4 rechargeable AA batteries so that one pair can be in the camera and the other can be charging). No computer cable is needed because a USB plug is hidden on the side of the camera that flips out when you need it.

Because the video is stored in flash memory, there is no tape to rewind when importing into the computer. The Flip comes with software loaded on it to help you download the video from the camera. You need special software because the camera records in its own DivX MPEG-4 format. As a Mac user, I've installed the free Perian component for QuickTime. This allows my computer to play the movie file in QuickTime, iTunes, and other programs. I can use the video in iMovie HD, but the new iMovie 8 won't recognize the video format.

The Flip does not have a microphone jack. While its built-in mic is pretty good, users need to make sure that if they are capturing someone talking, that person needs to be very close to the camera. We've all seen many teacher and student-produced movies where you barely hear what is being said. To get around this, I would move the camera far back to get a silent establishing shot. Then I'd reposition the camera to get a tight shot so that the camera is close to the person while he or she speaks.

Zoo VideosI took my Flip camera to Omaha's Zoo. Here's a clip of fish in a massive aquarium. I zoom in at the end and you can see the image becomes blotchy when zoomed because it is a digital (not optical) zoom. The video is 640 x 480 pixels large. I converted the video format from the Flip's .avi format to an equivalent .mp4. Otherwise, those you without the Flip software or Perian wouldn't be able to see it. Here's the same video uploaded to YouTube. You'll notice the original is larger in size and higher quality than what YouTube displays. Just for fun, here's another video from the zoo's Desert Dome. And here's the YouTube version. Like most cameras, you'll notice that the Flip records much better in sunlight than in semi-darkness.

The Flip currently comes in three different models. The model that records up to 30 minutes of video is $130. $150 will get you a camera that records up to 60 minutes. For $30 more you can get a sleeker 60 minute model.

The Flip is not the only small, cheap, tapeless video camera around. There's the RCA Small Wonder, Creative Vado, and Kodak Zi6. These cameras are very similarly priced to the Flip and have similar features. All include only a 2x digital zoom.

Why have a handy, easy-to-use camera in the classroom? Besides making videos of educational skits, the Flip camera could be used to document field trips and science experiments. It could be used to record interviews and class discussions. The videos could be uploaded to sites like TeacherTube or as a video podcast. Here are a few TeacherTube videos about or made with a Flip video camera: Reflection on Flip Project, Instructions for Using Flip Video Cameras (Windows), and Chinese Greetings.

Reader Comments (11)

I have a Flip and it works great. Nice quality video and audio and it fits in my shirt pocket. I uploaded some footage I shot of the Williamsburg Fife & Drum Corps here: http://edtechupdate.blogspot.com/2008/06/testing-flip-video.html

But I've seen some digital cameras that record in 640X480 30 fps for less money. Sure the Flip is easy to use, but there isn't too much of a learning curve on one of the digital cameras either. Plus they take still pictures and have an optical zoom, and I can use the removable SD card in a card reader.

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJim Dornberg

I also enjoy my flip. I have not used it for class as of yet, but I was able to record a presentation at NECC by Eric Langhorst using it.


I have also created some highlight videos of the Cross Country team for our website.

Eric also has some nice ideas about campus use on his blog.


Nice videos of yours. Excited to see how this can grow.



October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr. Stevens

Good stuff. I purchased Flip Cams for our school to use last year. One of my Spanish teachers took it with him on a trip to Peru this past summer and came back with some fantastic footage that a full size camera just wouldn't have allowed him to capture. These are a great resource in the classroom and the kids flat out love playing with them!

October 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJerry Swiatek

I just purchased a flip video camera. I want to burn a DVD. I have a PC with Windows XP. Do I need special software to burn to a DVD?

October 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMrs. Corley

To burn a DVD you need to make sure your computer has a drive that has DVD burning capabilities (which is different from CD burning). Then you will need DVD authoring software.

For lucky Mac users, they already have iDVD.

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTony Vincent

Unfortunately The Flip is not compatible with Windows PCs here in some European countries - so I recommend Creative Vado - which is only working on pc´s - same price, same quality - not exactly same features, though. But great.

November 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKarin Høgh

I have three Flip video cameras. I love the Flip. And the Flip Mino HD ROCKS! To get great Flip Video tips to ensure you get the most from it, follow me on Twitter.


March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFlip_Video_Tips

Surprised to learn that FLIP videos I've sent/shared with others have a time constraint. When they return to view them at a later date they are no longer available. Am I missing something on my end to enable them to be saved by the people I send them to?

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

There aren't any time constraints on how long you have to view a video.

The Flip does record in a non-standard format that might require special software or a plug-in to be installed on your computer. If the software or plug-in is erased or the video is view from a different computer, then it might not play--perhaps giving the impression that some kind of time limit on viewing the video is in place.

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTony Vincent

How far back can I undeleted videos?Any idea what type of software I would need? Mac user. Thanks

November 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMRojas

I have actually never undeleted a video from a Flip. If it is possible, I'm guessing Flip cams don't keep deleted videos around for long since they are taking up space in the memory that it wants to use for recording new video.

November 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterTony Vincent

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