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iPods Episode #14: Voice Recording

Learning in Hand: iPodsLearning in Hand: iPods Episode #14: Voice Recording is available and is all about using iPods to record audio.

A popular student and teacher use of iPods is voice recording. While you can use a computer for recording, it’s handy to have a portable recording device for lectures, class discussions, announcements, interviews, and notes. In this episode, I share two really cool examples of voice recording. One example is "Word of the Week" from Sean Porter's fourth graders and their podcast, Club 4Cast.

Additionally, I share how to do the recording on iPods with click wheels. To record, you're going to need a microphone attachment, but the software is already installed on all iPod nanos and classics. Listen for tips for indicating where the recording needs to be edited and for importing the audio. Also listen for how the newest generation of iPods record differently from older ones.

Tune in for all 13 minutes of Episode #14 for just about everything you need to know about iPod voice recording.

And as a special request: If you enjoy this podcast, please click here and leave a rating and comment in iTunes. Thank you!

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Reader Comments (4)

Hi Tony, Just thought I'd share this from StyleTap.

StyleTap® CrossPlatform for
Apple iPhone and iPod Touch



November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I work with the Teaching American History Grant in Clark County School District in Las Vegas, Nevada, and had the pleasure of hearing your iPods presentation at NECC last year.

As part of the grant, every teacher receives an iPod. I recommend teachers in the grant listen to your podcast and I particularly point them to the Manual Maneuvering episode and using Photos for Educational Purposes. Thank you for making this content available.

In the digital storytelling module of the Teaching American History Grant (see http://audiodigitalstorytelling.blogspot.com/ and http://tah-civilwar.blogspot.com/), every teacher also receives an iTalk and receives an assignment to create two distinct audio digital stories.

After your NECC presentation, you told me of the software you use to present to your audiences (Monitor Mode). I would like to use the software (which appears to work well), but I don't know the best resource for holding my iSight so I can actually demonstrate using the iPod. I see there are several options on the market (e.g., iFlex, SightFlex). Which would you recommend for presenters?

Please respond to christy@keelers.com (http://christykeeler.com).

December 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristy G. Keeler, Ph.D.


I'm glad my resources here at Learning in Hand have helped the teachers working with the grant!

As for a camera, I use the SightFlex to hold up my iSight camera. I haven't used the iFlex--but to me with seems less stable without the base that the SightFlex has.

I used the SightFlex to make the last two video podcasts about iPod touch and it works pretty good. It's far cheaper than buying a document camera.

December 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTony Vincent

I'll get the SightFlex. Thank you for the quick response, and, please...

Keep those podcast episodes coming!!!

December 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristy G. Keeler, Ph.D.

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