June 2005's Education in Hand

There's a new issue of District Administration's supplement, Education in Hand, sponsored by palmOne. June 2005's issue features Maryland's Montgomery County Schools and their use of Wireless Generation's reading diagnostic software. Page ten goes hour-by-hour showing how teachers can use their handhelds for a variety of tasks. Do you use your handheld as much? Well, at least teachers can relate to entering grades at 8:30PM! An hour-by-hour listing for administrators in on page 19. Writing a grant or need to justify funding of handhelds? Then check out page 24, "NCLB and IDEA Support Handheld Learning." There's also the "2005 Solutions Product Guide," and of course, lots of advertisements for palmOne's line of handhelds. This issue contains information on the new Tungsten E2 and LifeDrive. Although Education in Hand's articles are pretty good, I actually enjoy looking through the ads to see what new hardware and software is available. I'm glad that this publication can now be downloaded as a PDF, since the PDF contains everything in the print version, including those colorful advertisements and product placements.
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