Finding Podcasts

Now that you might have a break over the summer months, it's a great time to check out some podcasts. Remember, you don't need an iPod, MP3 player, or a handheld computer to listen to podcasts—you can listen from the comfort of your desktop or laptop computer. Where can you find podcasts for your listening pleasure? Podcast Alley! Podcast Alley is the place to browse, search, and listen to over 3,300 podcasts. How you do know which ones to listen to? Podcast Alley ranks podcasts based on votes placed on its website. So, the more votes a podcast has, the higher on the list it will be. Also, Podcast Alley allows you to listen to any podcast without even leaving the Podcast Alley site. I hope you can find some time to browse and search Podcast Alley. Check out the Education podcasts, but also find some that interest you on a personal level.
Speaking of podcasts, Radio WillowWeb has wrapped up production for the 2004-2005 school year with Willowcast #8. This podcast is a short one about summer. It's by fourth and fifth graders that worked with me before school in Willowdale Elementary's WillowWeb Club. If you enjoy Radio WillowWeb, please considering voting for it at Podcast Alley (click the Vote Now! link on this page). We'd love to get more people listening to our Willowcasts, and accumulating votes will help Radio WillowWeb rise toward the top of the Education podcasts page. Also, you're not limited to vote for just one podcast—so please vote for all podcasts you'd recommend to others. The voting is reset each month, so vote monthly.
A wonderful resource for educational podcasts is David Warlick's experimental podcast directory called The Educational Podcast Network. There's not a whole lot of podcasts there, yet, but David's adding new programs just about every day!
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